
Remaining time before the start
of the conference:


Roberta Croce
Roberta CrocePresident of International Society of Photosynthesis Research
Ayfer Veziroğlu
Ayfer VeziroğluPresident of International Association for Hydrogen Energy
Emre A. Veziroglu
Emre A. VezirogluEditor-in-Chief of International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Ibrahim Dincer
Ibrahim DincerEditor-in-Chief of International Journal of Energy Research
Johannes Messinger
Johannes MessingerEditor-in-Chief of Photosynthesis Research
Sergey Shabala
Sergey ShabalaPast President of Australian Society of Plant Scientists; Editor-in-Chief of Functional Plant Biology
Vladimir V. Kuznetsov
Vladimir V. KuznetsovPresident of Russian Society of Plant Physiologists; Editor-in-Chief of Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
Jo-Shu Chang
Jo-Shu ChangPresident of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Society, Taiwan
Şenay Yalçin
Şenay YalçinRector BAU International University, Batumi
Robert (Bob) Blankenship
Robert (Bob) Blankenship
Michael Graetzel
Michael Graetzel
Norman (Norm) Huner
Norman (Norm) Huner
Gyozo Garab
Gyozo Garab
Gunnar Oquist
Gunnar Oquist
Eva-Maria Aro
Eva-Maria Aro
William A. Cramer
William A. Cramer
Barry D. Bruce
Barry D. Bruce
Jian-Ren Shen
Jian-Ren Shen
Anthony Larkum
Anthony Larkum
Seeram Ramakrishna
Seeram Ramakrishna
Nathan Nelson
Nathan Nelson
Norio Murata
Norio Murata
Tingyun Kuang
Tingyun Kuang
Kimiyuki Satoh
Kimiyuki Satoh
Richard Cogdell
Richard Cogdell
Wolfgang Lubitz
Wolfgang Lubitz
John Golbeck
John Golbeck
Agepati S. Raghavendra
Agepati S. Raghavendra
John F. Allen
John F. Allen
Kazunari Domen
Kazunari Domen
Elisabeth Gantt
Elisabeth Gantt
Andrey B. Rubin
Andrey B. Rubin