List of those honored by the International Conference “Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability”, coordinated by Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev (since 2004)
For further details, see and
1) 2004- Montreal, Canada: Norio Murata (Japan)
2) 2006- Pushchino, Russia: James Barber # (UK)
3) 2011- Baku, Azerbaijan: A general meeting on photosynthesis
4) 2013- Baku, Azerbaijan: Jalal Aliyev # (Azerbaijan)
5) 2014- Pushchino, Russia: Vladimir Shuvalov# (Russia)
6) 2015- Crete, Greece: George Papageorgiou # (Greece)
7) 2016- Pushchino, Russia: Nathan Nelson (Israel) and T. Nejat Veziroğlu (USA)
8) 2017- Hyderabad, India: William Cramer (USA), G. Govindjee (USA) and Agepati S. Raghavendra (India)
9) 2018 -Baku, Azerbaijan: In memory of Prof. Jalal A. Aliyev. – The first Aliyev Memorial award was given to Jian-Ren Shen (Japan) and to Donald Ort (USA) (for details on Ort, see footnote 1*; he received it in 2022 at the 18th ISPR Congress, held in New Zealand)
10) 2019- St. Petersburg, Russia: Kimiyuki Satoh (Japan), Tingyun Kuang (China), Anthony Larkum (Australia) and Cesare Marchetti # (Italy)
11) 2023- Istanbul, Turkey: Robert Blankenship (USA), Gyõzõ Garab (Hungary), Michael Gretzel (Switzerland), Norman Hüner (Canada) and Gunnar Öquist (Sweden)
12) 2024- Istanbul, Turkey: John Allen (UK), Eva-Mari Aro (Finland), Ibrahim Dincer (Canada), Kazunari Domen (Japan), Elisabeth Gantt (USA) and Andrey Rubin (Russia)
*Footnote 1: See the following web sites:
# Deceased
Aliyev, Jalal (1928-2016; Azerbaijan; 2011; see Huseynova et al., 2016)
Barber, James (Jim) (1940-2020; UK; 2006; Govindjee, 2021)
Marchetti, Cesare (Italy, 2019;
Papageorgiou, George (1934-2020; Greece; 2015; Tsimili-Michael, 2021)
Shuvalov, Vladimir (Vlad) (Russia; 2014; Vasilieva et al., 2022)
Govindjee G (2021) James Barber (1940-2020): A very remarkable biochemist of our time. Photosynthetica 59(4): 606-614. available online: DOI 10.32615/ps.2021.058 Tribute
Huseynova IM, Allakhverdiev SI and Govindjee (2016). Jalal A. Aliyev (1928–2016): a great scientist, a great teacher and a great human being. Photosynth Res 128, 219-222;
Tsimilli-Michael M (2021). In memory of George Papageorgiou [ 1934- 2020] , the father of biophysics of photosynthesis in Greece. Photosynthetica 59 (1): 23, DOI 10.32615/ps.2021.001
Vasilieva LG, Kaminskaya OP, Yakovlev AG, Shkuropatov AY, Semenov AY, Nadtochenko VA, Krasnovsky AA Jr, Parson WW, Allakhverdiev SI and Govindjee G (2022) In memory of Vladimir Anatolievich Shuvalov (1943-2022): an outstanding biophysicist Photosynth Res 154: 207-223 (includes Supplementary Matter) available online: DOI 10.1007/s11120-022-00932-9 Tribute
Alphabetical list of the Awardees
Aliyev#, Jalal (Azerbaijan; 2011)
Allen, John (UK; 2024)
Aro, Eva-Mari (Finland; 2024)
Barber#, James (Jim) (UK; 2006)
Blankenship, Robert (Bob) (USA; 2023)
Cramer, William (Bill) (USA; 2017)
Dincer, Ibrahim (Canada; 2024)
Domen, Kazunari (Japan; 2024)
Gantt, Elisabeth (Beth) (USA; 2024)
Garab, Gyözö (Hungary; 2023)
Govindjee, Govindjee (Gov) ( USA; 2017)
Gretzel, Michael (Switzerland; 2023)
Hüner, Norman (Norm) (Canada; 2023)
Kuang, Tingyun (China; 2019)
Larkum, Anthony (Tony) (Australia; 2019)
Marchetti#, Cesare (Italy, 2019)
Murata, Norio (Japan; 2004)
Nelson, Nathan ( Israel; 2016)
Öquist, Gunnar (Sweden; 2023).
Ort, Donald (Don) (USA; 2022: Aliyev Memorial Award)
Papageorgiou#, George (Greece; 2015)
Raghavendra, Agepati S. (Ragha) (India; 2017)
Rubin, Andrey (Russia; 2024)
Satoh, Kimiyuki (Japan; 2019)
Shen, Jian- Ren (Japan; 2018: Aliyev Memorial Award)
Shuvalov#, Vladimir (Vlad) (Russia; 2014)
Veziroğlu, T. Nejat (USA; 2016)
Additional Related References
(chronologically arranged from the present to the past- alphabetical – within a year)
- Allakhverdiev SI (2024) Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on “Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 67: p. 991; ISSN 0360-3199,
- Hou HJ, Allakhverdiev SI (2024) Photo-induced processes in photosynthesis-from femtoseconds to seconds. Photosynth Res 159: 93–95;
- Kossalbayev BD, Yilmaz G, Ozcan HG, Soykan G, Yalcin S, S.I. Allakhverdiev SI (2024) Photosynthesis and hydrogen energy for sustainability: harnessing the sun for a greener future. Photosynthetica 62 (2): 138-146;
- Subramanyam R, Tomo T, Eaton-Rye JJ, Yilmaz G, Allakhverdiev SI (2024) International conference on “Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability-2023”: in honor of Robert Blankenship, Győző Garab, Michael Grätzel, Norman Hüner and Gunnar Öquist. Photosynth Res 161: 141-150;
- Allakhverdiev SI (2020) Editorial for the special issue on photosynthesis and hydrogen energy research for sustainability-2019. Photosynth Res 146: 1-3;
- Borisova-Mubarakshina MM, Tsygankov AA, Tomo T, Allakhverdiev SI, Eaton-Rye JJ and Govindjee G (2020) International conference on "Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability-2019": in honor of Tingyun Kuang, Anthony Larkum, Cesare Marchetti, and Kimiyuki Satoh.Photosynth Res 146: 5-15. available online: DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00687-w
- Semenov AY, Kotova EA, Andrei P. Razjivin AP and Govindjee [G] (2020) Tribute: a salute to Alexander Yurievich Borisov (1930-2019), an outstanding biophysicist.Photosynth Res 146: 1-3; DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00674-1
- Allakhverdiev SI, Subramanyam R, Tomo T (2019) Editorial. International Conference on “Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability-2017”. Photosynth Res 139 (1-3): 1-8
- Borisova-Mubarakshina MM, Tsygankov AA, Tomo T, Allakhverdiev SI, Eaton-Rye JJ, Govindjee G (2019) The 10th international conference on "Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for sustainability": A pictorial report in honor of Tingyun Kuang, Anthony Larkum, Cesare Marchetti and Kimiyuki Satoh.Int J of Hydrogen Energy 44: 30927-30934; DOI 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.09.224
- Subramanyam R, Allakhverdiev SI, Govindjee (2019) Honoring eight senior distinguished plant biologists from India. Photosynth Res 139(1-3): 45-52
- Allakhverdiev SI, Zharmukhamedov SK, Rodionova MV, Shuvalov VA, Charles Dismukes C, Shen J-R, Barber J, Samuelsson, Govindjee [G] (2018) Vyacheslav (Slava) Klimov (1945-2017): A scientist par excellence, a great human being, a friend, and a Renaissance man.Photosynth Res 136: 1-16; DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0440-5
- Hou HJM, Allakhverdiev SI (2017) A preface to the special issue on “The 7th International Conference on Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability in Honor of Nathan Nelson and T. Nejat Veziroglu, 19-25 June 2016, Pushchino, Russia”. Int J Hydrogen Energy 42(12): 8408-8409
- Hou HJM, Tomo T, Allakhverdiev SI (2017) An introduction to the special issue section on “The 7th International Conference on Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Production in Honor of Nathan Nelson and T. Nejat Veziroglu, 19-25 June 2016, Pushchino, Russia”. Int J Hydrogen Energy 42 (12): 8410-8417
- Tomo T, Allakhverdiev SI (2017) Preface: photosynthesis and hydrogen energy research for sustainability. Photosynth Res 133: 1-3
- Tsygankov AA, Allakhverdiev SI, Tomo T, Govindjee [G] (2017) International conference on “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability-2016” In honor of Nathan Nelson and Turhan Nejat Veziroglu. Photosynth Res 131(2):227-236
- Yurina NP, Popov VO, Krasnovsky Jr. AA and Govindjee [G ] (2017) Remembering Navasard V. Karapetyan (1936-2015).Photosynth Res 132: 221-226; DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0361-3
- Allakhverdiev SI, Tomo T, Stamatakis K, Govindjee [G] (2016) International conference on "Photosynthesis research for sustainability-2015" in honor of George C. Papageorgiou", September 21-26, 2015, Crete, Greece. Photosynth Res 130:1–10
- Stamatakis K, Allakhverdiev SI, Garab G, Govindjee [G] (2016) Honoring George C. Papageorgiou. Photosynthetica 54(1):158-160
- Carpentier R, Allakhverdiev SI (2015) In honor of Vladimir A. Shuvalov: Light energy conversion in photosynthesis. Photosynth Res 125(1-2): 1-3
- Allakhverdiev SI, Shen J-R (2014) Photosynthesis research for sustainability: Keys to produce clean energy. Biochim Biophys Acta (BBA-Bioenergetics) 1837: 1377-1383
- Allakhverdiev SI, Aro E-M, Tomo T (2014a) Special issue on Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability. Plant Physiol Biochem 8: 1-2
- Allakhverdiev SI, Tomo T, Govindjee [G] (2014b) International conference on "photosynthesis research for sustainability-2014: in honor of Vladimir A. Shuvalov", held on June 2-7, 2014, in Pushchino, Russia. Photosynth Res 122(3):337-347
- Hou H JM, Allakhverdiev SI, Najafpour MM, Govindjee [G] (2014) Current challenges in photosynthesis: from natural to artificial. Front. Plant Sci 5: article #232, pp.1-2; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00232
- Karapetyan NV, Govindjee [G] (2014) Alexander Abramovich Krasnovsky (1913-1993): 100thbirth anniversary in Moscow, Russia.Photosynth Res 120: 347-353; DOI 10.1007/s11120-014-9971-1
- Allakhverdiev SI, Shen JR, Edwards GE (2013a) Special issues on Photosynthesis Education honoring Govindjee. Photosynth Res 116: 107-110
- Allakhverdiev SI, Huseynova IM, Govindjee (2013b) International conference on “Photosynthesis research for sustainability-2013: in honor of Jalal A. Aliyev” held during June 5-9, 2013, Baku, Azerbaijan. Photosynth Res. 118: 297-307
- Allakhverdiev SI (2012a) Photosynthetic and biomimetic hydrogen production. Int J Hydrogen Energy 37: 8744-8752
- Allakhverdiev SI (2012b) Photosynthesis research for sustainability: From natural to artificial. Biochim Biophys Acta 817(8): 1107-1109
- Allakhverdiev SI, Huseynova IM, Govindjee [G] (2012) International conference on "photosynthesis research for sustainability-2011", July 24-30, 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan. Photosynth Res 110 (3): 205-212
- Govindjee [G] (2009) List of biography and history published mostly in Photosynthesis Research, 1988-2008.Photosynth Res 99:139-153
- Prasil O, Suggett J, Cullen JJ, Babin M, Govindjee [G] (2008) Aquafluo 2007: Chlorophyll fluorescence in aquatic sciences, an international conference held in Nové Hrady.Photosynth Res. 95:111-115
- Govindjee [G], Telfer A (2007) Six young research investigators were honored at an international conference in Russia.Photosynth Res 92: 139-141
- Govindjee [G] (2004) A list of photosynthesis conferences and of edited books in photosynthesis.Photosynth Res 80:447-460